パステル画「長倉祐好 Nagakura Sukeyoshi」ウエブ作品展

長倉祐好(ながくら すけよし)

1938年 六本木 生

1970年 東京芸術大学卒業

1972年 電通退社

1973年 個展活動開始

1975年 ローマ美術アカデミア留学 1年間

(Accademia di Belle Arti di Roma)

1985年3月 銀座松屋個展(国内最終個展 5回)

1985年8月 渡米 ニューヨークPratt Institute講師に招聘

2023年  アメリカ在住



東京芸術大学 サロン・ド・プランタン賞

フランス クレイティック賞




フランス サロン・ドートンヌ展

香港 アジア芸術祭










「線はないが、おそらく線らしいものがある」といった境のない朧気な表情が、従来のパステル画とは一線を画しています。そして、どうやって彩色したのか、パステル粉の微細な粒がみっしりと手抜かりなく敷き詰められ、まるでシルク版画のようにさえ見えます。 作家の井上靖氏が長倉氏を「画家の詩人」と評しているとおりの精神性が、私のような素人にも惻々と伝わって参ります。  是非 ご期待下さい。













google translation sentence

About Sukeyoshi Nagakura and Man Arai


Mr. Sukeyoshi Nagakura lived in Japan for a short period of time. His career as an artist in Japan is thought to have spanned nearly 20 years, including his time at Tokyo University of the Arts. Ultimately, it seems that he was in Japan to paint "Mt. Gassan".

Among the many graduates of the Salon de Printemps of Tokyo University of the Arts, Mr. Nagakura is probably the only pastel painter.


By chance, I personally obtained Mr. Nagakura's pastel paintings. A collection of works from the 1970s.

Currently, while checking the condition, we are performing maintenance on the works that are exposed to risk due to aging. (From size 50 to small pieces)


 "There are no lines, but perhaps there is something that seems to be a line," with a vague expression without borders that sets it apart from conventional pastel paintings. And, how they were colored, the fine grains of pastel powder are densely and neatly laid out, making it look like a silk print. The spirituality of Mr. Yasushi Inoue, the author, who describes Mr. Nagakura as "the poet of a painter," is clearly conveyed to a layman like me. Please look forward to it.


 There is a suite "Mt. Gassan" released in 1976 by Man Arai of "Thousand Winds". It is also uploaded on YouTube, so I think there are people who know it. The blue image background image of the time when the music of "Gassan" flows is Mr. Sukeyoshi Nagakura's pastel painting. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cLJUlp6Y1Ls) I think it has something to do with being a colleague at the same workplace.


 Mr. Sukeyoshi Nagakura and Mr. Man Arai are also friends with Akutagawa writer Atsushi Mori, who is famous for his novel "Mt. Gassan". For more information on the origin of Man Arai's suite "Mt. Gassan", please refer to "Atsushi Mori Museum" http://www.mori-atsushi.jp/i-053.html. Great content.


When I'm at a loss for ideas, I visit this site and read an interview with Mr.Mori, which often encourages me. I would like to express my sincere gratitude to the operators of the site.



Today, December 4, 2021, the obituary of Man Arai, which was published above, was announced. Until last night, while writing the text, I was hoping that if it was possible for Mr. Man Arai to tell me about Mr. Nagakura... Rest in peace.


 At this time,  Sukeyoshi Nagakura's pastel painting to be posted first was decided to be 370 x 640 mm, "Origin of Memories" (From Mt. Gassan) in memory of Mr. Man Arai. 

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営業曜日 / 下記2020.4.1より変更

水〜土 am10:00~pm6:00

休業日:日 月 火 祝
